Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good morning. We are back to normal temperatures, and we have Saharan dust, so…..ugh. Anyway, more training stuff today. Security training was stupid, though I suppose they need to remind us what we already know.
It’s 80 heading for 95, heat index 105. Sunny. The Ozark Solar guy emailed last night to tell me he was getting nowhere with SolarEdge. They keep wanting “readings” from the dead inverter so they can “help troubleshoot”. Their AI or whatever has apparently been programmed to not accept the photoe and other diagnostic information that indicates a dead inverter. I’ll try 1st with the hopefully real actual person who responded to me – replying to his email and calling, since the email did give me a phone number, if he doesn’t reply. If that doesn’t work, I’ll try calling the company line. If I can’t get through – and I seriously doubt that I can (the Ozark Solar guy waited on hold for 45 minutes before he gave up) – I’ll go back to the contact form that worked before. And if THAT doesn’t work, they’re going on blast on Xitter. I’ve been down 5 full weeks now.
Amelia/earicicle was tested Monday for a new procedure for her knee pain that looks like it’s going to give her a lot of relief and is dealing with dental today. I realized, well, looked her up and found out, yesterday that Harper’s birthday was July 3rd – for some reason I thought it was in August, this Saturday in fact. My memory sux. But a belated candle in her memory. Far as I know nothing new with anybody else.
Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …
It is 77 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 97. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast with a chance for rain this afternoon. I finally got to see my moon this morning! Between where she was in the sky and the morning clouds, I have not seen her for quite a while. This morning she was a pretty waning crescent, bright as can be, with the morning star just over her left shoulder (to the right for me). Several other stars were visible in the early morning sky. New moon is August 4th.
The odious Kari Lake won the Republican Senate primary in Arizona but the good news is that she did not win it by the margins she needed to in order to win over Republican voters – 45% of the Republicans voting in the primary essentially said “no, not her.” That is good news for Ruben Gallego because if a lot of those voters were McCain Republicans who despise Kari Lake, they will relish the opportunity to vote against her again. Our Congressional “representative” Juan “I got across the border before they started shooting immigrants so nah nah nah” Ciscomani had a tougher than expected primary challenge so he is not loved much even by Republicans. I hope they stay home in November. We are running the same candidate this year as we did in 2022; she did not lose by much and Juan is running essentially the same ads as last time even down to running “against Washington” which is not going to fly because he was in Washington and part of the freaking House majority. I wonder if he will rerun the anti-Pelosi ads as well? I noticed that the anti-Kamala ads here feature Nancy Pelosi prominently even though she has not been Speaker for two years. The Republican hate ad machine simply cannot let go of her as their bête noire!
I watched the USA Womens Rugby Team win a bronze medal in the Rugby Sevens yesterday. It was their first Olympic medal (they came in 6th in Tokyo and 5th in Rio) and the first US medal in any rugby event since 1924. It is an interesting game – it was fun trying to learn the rules and the terminology. The play by play announcer was a New Zealander and their accent is very cute with their short e’s pronounced like long e’s (“the USA rugby seeeven won the bronze meeeedel”). They are hoping that there is more interest in the US and they can get more money to make a big splash in Los Angeles in 2028. Today our USA women’s soccer team plays at 10am MST against Australia in pool play.
I got quite a few tweaky things done yesterday morning but did not get up a head of steam because I had errands to run. I have a morning errand today so I am not sure how much project work I will get done. Right now, I need to take my walk.
See all y’all later!
Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind, and happy Lammas Tide! The Pond just did a real number on me, talking to me in a warm, female voice but wiping out everything I had typed before I could copy it.
Crud. Okay. Yemaya, Blessed Orisha, sent us a humdinger of a thunderstorm and cloudburst right at dinner time yesterday. It began with a pop of thunder so short and loud that I thought at first we’d been shot at. Then the deluge began. All day the sky had looked like a suffocating, puffy gray blanket, so I was glad to see the rain. Then the sun came out.
How ABOUT that rally in Atlanta last night? YAY, Kamala! Lawks, I wish the merch would start coming in. I want a shirt that shows her picture with a caption beneath that says “Removes orange stain.”
Today the high will be 90-ish. I’m going to put the porch cushions out again.
This morning, gym, shower, lunch, mini-nap, and then back to writing postcards in the main clubhouse. Then I’m coming home. I want a little time to get my book together.
Other than that, my fellow actor continues to do whatever he does at the beach in Delaware, where he and his wife apparently have a house. I need him to come back here so we can rehearse. We might need to use lapel mikes, but I can’t know for sure until we rehearse in the actual venue. I’m sure this is far more than you wanted to know.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond, and especially to KAMALA! When are they going to have a Zoom called “Witches for Kamala”? Or even “Seniors for Kamala”?
Hahaha! “Witches for Kamala” would be perfect, heads would asplode!!
This is funny: “a shirt that shows her picture with a caption beneath that says ‘Removes orange stain.'” Is that really a thing?
It is indeed, and I just ordered it from Amazon! Can’t wait to wear it!
Good morning, 62 and partly sunny in Bellingham today. I’ve enjoyed the rain, but it’s nice to see some blue sky again. The garden has had a good soak so I won’t have to water today. All I could manage to do yesterday was rest between laundry loads so today is desk day or else! Best wishes to all.
Thursday Meese. It’s going to be 92 here today. Humidity 92%.
Delighted to see Kamala get UAW endorsement
Most of social media is focused on Dump’s disputing VP’s blackness. Frankly – I don’t think he should have been invited to the Black journalists convo
Puerto Rico
Happy Lammas Birthday, Dee! Best wishes for a healthy new year!!
Thank you!
In my opinion the NABJ was foolish to give tRump an interview. What about “don’t give free press to white supremacists and fascists” is so freaking hard to get? emptywheel:
Uh—Emptywheel, I’m writing at 9:32 a.m. Thursday morning, and the news that the Russian hostages have just been released has knocked DFG’s vile shenanigans right off the headlines! Thank you, VERY EFFECTIVE President Biden and Madame Vice President Kamala Harris!
Truly, the lazy press will follow every shiny bauble put in front of them so we can count on them moving on. The “hate signaling” will be picked up in the right-wing media and will sway not one voter who consumes that garbage. This caught my eye this morning:
Mark Kelly said this:
{{{Denise}}} Happy Birthday! ????❤????????????????????????
Thank you :)
Good morning. Got my walk in. Just a walk. Woke up at 3 freaking 20, tried all the methods for going back to sleep. Gave up at 4:15 — and still somehow got a late start leaving for work. Anyway, here I am. There’s a party today for an employee who’s been here 50 years. Not a retirement party, just a celebration.
Fifty years is really something!
Good morning, meeses! Thursday … Happy Lammas!
It is 73 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 97. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast with a good chance of rain this afternoon. The waning crescent was behind the clouds over the mountains when I got up but I could see her light so I made a return visit to the porch a little later and was rewarded by a full view of her. The thin crescents are so beautiful!
I laughed out loud at the headline from the Wall Street Journal “Trump Buries Project 2025”. Ha! You wish! tRump and the Republicans should not be and cannot be allowed to simply disavow their terrible policy plans and move past it. It is like Mitt Romney claiming he could etch-a-sketch away his previous comments in the primary as the general election began. The 2025 Project was developed by Republicans, including many in the former Trump Administration and members of his inner circle, to provide a blueprint for the future they envision for America. It needs to be follow them around like a bit of toilet paper stuck to their shoes.
I have two projects I hope to get done this morning. I finally have no errands to run so I can work until it is time to get ready for the USA Women’s Basketball game versus Serbia at noon MST. The USA Women’s Soccer team won yesterday and will be in the quarterfinals Saturday morning – the Emma Hayes era is looking very promising.
See all y’all later!
Heh! Good one.
Good Thursday morning, Meese! A blessed Lughnasadh and Lammas to all who celebrate it,
Happy birthday, Sister Dee! May it be joyful and full of blessings. ‘Tis M’Daughter’s birthday as well. Mentioned to her while she was here that she’s now eligible to take her Social (early), but she said she wouldn’t.
For my Lammas breakfast I had blackberries from the farmers’ market, along with a slice of whole-wheat bread spread with wildflower honey that Daughter brought me from New England. She’s having the time of her life, exploring the many fascinating sights and craft shops when she’s not in the woods videoing scampering black bear cubs.
Feeling wildly happy that the hostages have been released (Gods, that ruins one of DFG’s storylines—“Putin will release them for me, he won’t do it for anyone else”)—so chalk another one up for the Biden-Harris administration.
It’s already 81 F., on its way up to 100 F. (or so they say). I’m hoping for another thunderstorm. Dearly is at the doctor, having Ubered there.
On the agenda for today: must write to my writers, informing them that a week from today we will be meeting to discuss our latest essays. Also have to continue putting my book together to send to the publisher.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond, and to POTUS and Madame VP, and the hostages!
Thank you Sis, and Happy Birthday to your daughter
Thank you! She went to see some dancers last night associated with Jacob’s Pillow and they were spectacular, she said.
Happy Lammas! It’s already 83, heading for 97/heat index 107, and sticky. Mostly sunny but hazy skies. Emailed the SolarEdge guy. No reply. Called the company. After being looped around all over the place I hit the recording that said “due to high summer call volume” they were only accepting calls from on-site installers (as in new installations) and was hung up on. So I’ve sent them a message via the company contact from I used earlier to get their attention. Gave a reprise of contacts, mine & the installers, with dates, reiterated that the inverter is dead (no “readings”, error messages, error lights, any lights – dead) as they’ve been informed 4 times already, and reminded them that the inverter is still under warranty. I asked when they’d be sending the replacement to my installer. And finished up saying that my steps would be to contact the fraud department of the secretary of state and take to social media. I sent that at 12:30 yesterday – 10:30 CA time. I haven’t gotten a response yet. I’m not sure how long I’m going to give them before I take to social media & try to find the fraud department of the secretary of state’s office. But I really hope I don’t have to.
Anyway, I had trouble getting to sleep last night but when I did I slept hard. Woke late and am still groggy. Time to get to my boosting chores. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
My next steps – oh, for that lost edit button. LOL
Every once in a while I go back and check to see if the widget author updated their Edit Comments add-on. Nothing yet!
Figures. Thanks for all you do to keep the Moose Pond open. {{{HUGS}}}
Good morning, 62 and sunny. My housekeeper will be here soon so I need to finish my tea and start changing the beds. The house needs her attention so I’ll keep the laundry going. I slept long and well last night but I’ve got a foggy and sleepy brain this morning. Best wishes to all.
Friday Meese. Rain. sigh. Tomorrow is the day that I go to my annual women’s gathering held at a friend’s house nearby – she has a pool but it looks like rain tomorrow will force us inside.
Puerto Rico
Hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow, Dee. You should live here—when they predict rain, 95 percent of the time, it does not happen.
Good morning. Did my walk/run, we have lots of Saharan dust so I didn’t push too hard. Will do in the gym tomorrow. Air conditioning and treadmill will help. So happy about the hostages — and about Biden & Harris pulling this off. All the techbros & other money people that were pushing the “he’s too old” thing should have to publicly apologize.
It’s 79 but the heat index never got below 82 so I didn’t open up. Haven’t heard back from SolarEdge. I will give them until Wednesday. That will be a full week since I contacted them – and 6 full weeks since the inverter’s been dead. The Consumer Fraud division is under the Attorney General’s office. I’ll email them for how to file a complaint if I haven’t at least heard from them. They have a Xitter presence so I will also be putting them on blast. Daily. Like I do with the needs list & the Vieques lack of hospital. It’ll just be part of my routine until I get a new inverter. sigh.
If there’s anything going on with anybody I don’t know about it. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Gosh, bfitz! Wouldn’t hurt to let the newspapers know. Is there still a paper in your area called The Siftings Herald? Summer is usually a slow season, at least locally, so an investigative reporter like the ones we have up here might jump on this story. “Responsible Senior tries hard to stretch her income, wishes to avoid asking for public funds to help with her electricity bill—everyone should try to be self-sufficient like this lady,” and so forth.
We have two investigative reporters up here, with camera and sound crews, and believe me, they groove on their jobs! “Seven on Your Side” is always socking it to landlords and government officials.
Part of the problem is that while the installer is local, the inverter supplier is not. I think they’re based in CA but they could be international by now. They certainly changed attitudes if not hands about 4 years ago. I’m not even sure a fraud filing in AR will bother them in CA. I’m hoping that the Xitter blast will get their attention. Especially if some high-follower followers of mine pick it up and blast it out further. We shall see what we shall see.
Good Friday morning, Moosekind! Isn’t it nice to have GOOD news for a change! I watched the hostages’ arrival at Andrews AFB, with our President and Madame Vice President there to greet them. Why they had to be whisked off to San Antone for their health checkups and debriefings I don’t know—it seems stupid, and they were already tired. We have Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, and Bethesda close by, not to mention NSA and other, more sinister, debriefing places.
If I were they, or Britney Griner, I’d never travel again. Well, I think Britney has retired, so perhaps she doesn’t have to.
Back on the home front, Dearly is receiving physical therapy in the living room from a nice young PT from Kaiser (a Chelsea fan). Dearly basically sleeps, eats, and watches TV.
It’s a nice enough morning but already 85 F. going up to Worse F. Thunderstorms? Imaginary. I have gained two pounds since Monday so tonight, instead of falling asleep in the green chair after dinner, I will walk through the air-conditioned buildings for the rest of my exercise. I used to walk outside, and enjoyed chatting to people walking their dogs, but lately it’s been too hot. Essays have started coming in, so I’ll spend the weekend reading those. I really need to find some peaches that will ripen so I can make the peach ice cream I’ve promised my writers.
That’s enough from me. Wishing a blissful day to all at the Pond, and congratulations, Madame VP, for raising $310 million for the campaign!
Britney Griner has not retired and is playing in the Olympics right now! I wondered why she would want to travel internationally ever again after her experience – I would be terrified. She said she felt she wanted to give something back to the USA.
Good morning, meeses! Friday …
It is 90 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 104. It was hot and humid when I was finally able to break for my walk at about 7:30am. The only wonderful thing about the morning was that the 3.5% waning crescent moon was visible over the mountains above the dawn light. I was treated to a flying exhibition by our resident bats and it was delightful.
USA Women’s Basketball won yesterday and it looks like the USA Women’s Basketball 3×3 decided that it was do or die time. They won Gold in the last Olympics but had not won a single game in this one. Yesterday afternoon they won a game and this morning they stunned France in Pool play. They have one more game this morning then a final game against China tomorrow morning and if they end up in the top 6, they will advance. They lost two players from the last Olympics, one who ended up on the 5×5 team and one that went out with an ACL injury in WNBA play so they are essentially a new team playing with two new players who have never played 3×3. Fingers crossed that they continue their run! They are planning a 3×3 Fall League and a good run will help drive interest.
I have errands to run and need to head out.
See all y’all later!
Saturday Meese. Looks like it will rain here all day, so my Women’s Gathering will have to move indoors.
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico
Dee, so sorry about the rain. Wish we could exchange weather, it’s glorious here.
Good morning. Watching the Olympic road race. The commentators are trying to explain things to what’s presumably an audience that doesn’t normally watch cycling. Glad to have my Saturday mornings back. Now I just have to make myself go to the gym this afternoon. Looking forward to the VP announcement.
Good morning, meeses! Saturday …
It is 77 degrees in Tucson ???? with an expected daytime high of 106. Sunny skies are in the forecast with a slight chance for rain. We had a storm blow in last night that was marked by a very interesting sky: a half rainbow over the mountains that looked like the colors were dripping and the mountains appearing and disappearing off and on. At one point the alpenglow from the storm in the west left the mountains with a mahogany tinge. Dramatic! I am glad to we only got wind and a few quick downpours, some areas lost power.
I guess we will soon find out who Kamala has chosen as a running mate. It is her choice, in the end, but I hope she does not pick Josh Shapiro, who appears to have a lot of baggage and who would become a lightning rod for the tensions with Israel (as they expand their war) and the anger felt by many about the Biden Administrations support of the war crimes being committed by Netanyahu against the Palestinian people. Choosing him would be a self-inflicted wound and hugely unnecessary. I also don’t want her picking the guy who looks like a grandpa – it is too much of a reminder of why Biden dropped out of the race. I know that Tim Walz is only 60 but he looks much older and adds nothing electorally or in any other way – I guess the left-of-the-left likes him. I just hope she doesn’t do anything with this decision that harshes everyone’s buzz. The first rule of a VP pick is “do no harm.”
I have a quiet Saturday morning after a way too busy week. I am hoping to get caught up on accounting projects and organizing my to-do stack into a to-do list.
See all y’all later!
Jan, Andy Beshear is rather good-looking. It’s well known that we childless, miserable, cat ladies vote for the good-looking guys. This was the argument for picking Dan Quayle, years ago. Dear Goddess, he was stupid!