Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …
Morning low of 34 degrees in the Desert Southwest 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 55. Sunny skies are in the forecast.
Have a great day, all y’alls!!
Sunday Meese. 23 here in Kingston.
Puerto Rico
Caribbean Matters: As long as Puerto Rico is a colony, blackouts will continue
Learn to dance bomba and plena, don’t do choreographed dances on TikTok, that is disrespectful to the culture. This is how bomba and plena are danced.
Good morning. Yesterday was great, I ran 1.61 mi, went for breakfast tacos; and the music diary did okay. Next week’s tea is made, watching the news and I don’t have to do much this afternoon because I’m off work through Wednesday. Anyway, hope everyone’s having a good weekend.
It’s 37 heading for 45 and trying to clear off from the overnight clouds that kept them temps from dropping much below freezing. Apparently a few cells in the top row of the top row of PV panels are snow free. We generated 40 watts yesterday. I’m hoping today will melt a lot of the snow. We’re dropping to 18 overnight and that’ll freeze everything left hard as a rock and take it so much longer to melt the rest.
Not sure I’ll see my son today. I don’t need groceries this week and he certainly will need the Subaru for a few more days. The oven igniter is now expected tomorrow since it didn’t arrive last Friday. I’ll see him some day next week, if not today. Meanwhile, I’ve done my Sunday housecleaning chores and now need to get to my boosting. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Sunday morning, Moosekind! Another bright, blue-skied day has dawned over the disappearing snow. Right now the temperature in Ashburn is 35 F., on its way up to 40 F.
Did y’all see the almost-full moon last night? The January full moon is called the Wolf Moon, it seems, because this is the month people could hear the wolves howling. I might listen to some wolf howls on YouTube today, just for kicks.
Watched 38 minutes of “Crazy for You” on DuckDuck Player. Tedious, with all that dancing. However, I suppose singing and tap-dancing were what amused people in the 1940s, before “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” came along. will have to study the audition script some more. Thank Goddess we’re doing the Youth Version, because I really don’t think our audience of 85-year-olds could sit still or stay awake long enough for the full version. Also, the Puritan contingent (yes, there is one) would object to such words as “hell” and “damn” in the dialogue.
On today’s agenda: the gym, of course. More laundry. Changing the sheets on the bed. Studying the script. Trying to sing in my hoarse, unlovely, cracked voice. Luckily dinner is a no-brainer, as Dearly will grill the steak and I have only to do the vegetables.
I asked on BlueSky how an elderly, obese, mentally unstable man could intimidate the entire Fourth Estate and his fellow Rethugs. He’s not even Melon Husk-rich! He’s only pretending to be rich. So how can he threaten them? Rethugs are so loathsome, especially that nasty little Mike Johnson and others of his ilk.
Well, in the meantime it’s a lovely day and I will not let the outside world interfere with my personal happiness. It’s supposed to snow or rain next weekend, possibly lasting into In-Hog-Uration Day. Dearly said it would be nice if Thing were struck by lightning.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
I saw the moon through tree branches early in the evening and for just a moment sometime after midnight through my bedroom window before the clouds moved in again. Aji’s people call this one the Spirit Moon. (Last month was Little Spirit Moon – or maybe Early Spirit Moon – to indicate that December is not full winter yet and full winter is when Spirits walk.)
good afternoon, 40 and cloudy in Bellingham today. I’m basically resting today away with the hope this miserable cold will ease. I tried to do an easy project in the kitchen yesterday and was surprised with how little stamina I had. I did clear some cupboard space which will allow me to clear some counter space but had to stop before I finished. Oh well, partially aware and half finished is my new reality! Best wishes to all.
Your statement struck a chord with me, princesspat! Yesterday Dearly and I fell asleep after breakfast and remained comatose for quite some time. Later on we perked up a bit, but I was surprised at how little energy we had. Is it possible we’re getting old or something?
I was low energy all day yesterday (Sunday) as well. There must be some transiting planet that is causing that.
Monday Meese. 22 here in Kingston, going up to 42.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Slept in, watching the local news. I finally uncovered the plants yesterday, but it will freeze again this weekend so keeping the covers near. Going to kickboxing later, and maybe I’ll run. Just a lazy day planned.
Thing is pond scum or worse.
Good Monday morning, Moosekind! Gray skies at the moment and 30 F. We’ll get up to 40 F. or slightly more, but will stay dry as a bone in Ashburn.
I’m glad I saw Her beautiful self last night, shining silver-white in the black velvet sky. All hail the Wolf moon! Today is cloudy, so unless the clouds blow away I won’t get to see Her tonight. I played some wolf howls on YouTube…strange music! A little of it goes quite a long way. Hot tip: if you ever meet Putie or his minions, play bagpipe music to them. Apparently Russians hate bagpipes.
While we’re talking about the Scots, I read about a Scots dessert on Facebark, cranachan or something like that. You layer raspberries, toasted oats, whipped cream, whisky, and honey in a tulip glass and it’s a wonderful, deluxe dessert. I’ll leave out the whisky, of course. I was wondering what to do with the leftover whipping cream—now I know.
A week from today chaos begins. I suppose we’ll wake up every morning asking, as Dorothy Parker once did, “What fresh hell is this?”
President and Mrs. Biden, I hope you enjoy your retirement and that the German Shepherds bite any Republicans who show up.
The Washington Commies, displaying their usual last-minute-itis, won the game last night, so there is much rejoicing in this town.
Wishing a great day to all at the Pond!
I was pleased to see that the Washington Football team won as I was not looking forward to another match-up between the Detroit Lions and the Minnesota Vikings. The Commandos are very entertaining to watch and their quarterback actually cried on national TV when a teammate was hurt a few weeks ago.
It’s 24 heading for 40 and clear at the moment. We’re going to get warmer, into the 50s for a few days, before we get colder again. Yesterday the snow did finally melt off and we got 2.3 KWHs production. The m-t-d at 51.3 is of course way off track for 180. We’ll see if we manage to catch up over the supposedly mostly sunny next 10 days.
I saw the moon through the tree branches early yesterday evening and then woke up early enough to catch a sight of her as she was going down. By the time I brushed my teeth and got dressed she was gone. But still, I saw her as full as is possible. Something nice in a world of nasty. The nasty will only get worse. We shall have to hold community to survive it – and find bits of nice to want to. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, meeses! Monday …
It is 39 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 55. Sunny skies are in the forecast. It was close to freezing this morning when I got up and I could hear the walls and roof popping with temperature adjustments. The moonlight was shining down on me when I went to bed and was waiting to shine into my office window when I got up. She will be full at 3:26pm MST and I intend to grab all the light I can for energy to get me through the next month.
I am so angry at MAGAt America, I could spit. Yesterday when the NFL broadcasts asked for a moment of silence before the games for the devastation being caused by the California wildfires, in freaking MAGAt red Buffalo New York, they were laughing and chattering. In Baltimore, Houston, Tampa and Philadelphia, they showed the proper respect. The Melon Husk crowd is spreading garbage and hate with their suggestions that only liberal celebrities and “woke people” who deserve to die, apparently, are harmed by anything bad that happens in Southern California. We can’t fix what’s wrong with America when 40% of the people want everyone who is not them to die and die quickly. It does not help that Republican electeds are fanning the flames of hatred of others. Fk them all with rusty anvils.
I have many things I am working on today and one big project that will have to wait until tomorrow when my early morning brain can be applied to it. I spent today cleaning up a few things from weekend work and one new issue that needed tending. Now it is time to shut down.
See all y’all later!
Good morning, 40 and cloudy and frosty roofs across the street. The main floor of my house looks like past the due date Christmas…. I hope I can get it cleaned up today! RonK has the cold now so we’re both avoiding the tasks we need to do. Best wishes to all.
Good morning. Enjoying my lazy days. Nice to have my plants uncovered, even if I have to cover them back up on Sunday. The news is nothing but awfulness, so I’ve been reading a lot.
Tuesday Meese. 23 here in Kingston. Got my RSV shot yesterday so I’m now up to date on all vaccines.
Puerto Rico
Good Tuesday morning, Meese! Guess what, the clouds blew away so I was privileged to see Herself shining in the night sky yestere’en. This morning at 7:15 I opened the door of the screened porch, and there She was, looking like a luscious pearl hanging in the gray winter sky. Why is it so much easier to see Her in the winter? Never mind, I’ll take what I can get. Right now it’s 24 F. in Ashburn, going up to the 40s.
So, Special Counsel Smith released Volume 1 of the report! I’m going to go look for it soon. There’s too much to do today, and a movie next door that I want to see, “Woman in Gold,” presented by the Jewish community here.
The audition did not take place last night. Blast! Why couldn’t they have let us know? Our Director came down with Covid and is now taking Paxlovid. My little hat came before the audition. Not knowing it had been postponed, I showed up looking like a rich, snobby woman in the hope of reading the part of Irene. Well, there’s nothing to do but come back on the 22nd.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond. Princesspat, we took our Christmas decorations down but haven’t put them away yet. You are not alone!
{{{Diana}}} We’ll get through the next 4 years as we get through everything. One day at a time and doing our best to make things better wherever we can. Healing Energy. Moar {{{HUGS}}} Blessed Be.
It’s 38 going to 48 and trying to be sunny. Yesterday we generated 8.8 KWHs – highest for month & year so far – and the m-t-d at 60.2 is way off track but it did gain a little. We shall see what we shall see.
It’s 2 years today since Chef Bobby passed. Miss him.
Caught a glimpse of the moon last night through the trees just before I went to bed and a much better look as she was almost down when I got up. Only in winter, when the leaves are gone, do I get to see her coming up. Sent my love & Healing Energy to everyone by way of the moon. Now I’d best be about my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, 34 and partly cloudy in Bellingham today. I was awake in the night so read some of Smith’s report. Between voter apathy, people supporting his lawless behavior and the SCOTUS decisions this is a sad time for our country. Oh well, we’ll cough and sneeze today and see what tomorrow brings our way. Best wishes to all.
The orange garbage dumpster raised the flags to full staff at his Mar-a-Lago crime den right after Carter’s funeral and Pastor Mike Johnson declared that flags at the Capitol will be raised to full staff for the inauguration BECAUSE THEY ARE TERRIBLE PEOPLE! tRump claims no other president was inaugurated with a flag at half staff which is a lie by a lying liar who knows nothing. Richard Nixon was inaugurated 25 days after the death of Harry Truman and the flags weren’t raised because Nixon was a criminal but he did understand norms. I won’t be surprised if next they will declare that Martin Luther King Jr Day will not be a national holiday this year because the peevish petty piece of garbage does not want anyone else to even be thought about on the day set aside to “celebrate” a literal felon, insurrectionist, rapist and pile of fecal material being inaugurated. I wonder if he will swear his oath – “oath”, what a freaking joke! – on Mein Kampf as a fk you to every decent person in America?
Good afternoon, meeses! Tuesday …
It is 55 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected high of 57. Sunny skies. It was very cold when I got up.
I had an eye doctor appointment this morning got dilated and still can’t see great so this is a quick check in. I will read all your brilliant comments tomorrow.
See all y’all later!