Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.
Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).
The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.
So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?
NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.
Thursday Meese. Good morning.
12 degrees here in Kingston going up to 28.
Puerto Rico
The OMB pick in tRump 2.0 won’t “antagonize” the new HUD leaders because they are sociopaths just like he is.
Yup. :(
Vought est un espece d’ordure.
Good morning. Watched Doctor Who all day yesterday, will exercise this afternoon. Watching Star Wars since the local news is all retrospectives; 2024 isn’t really a year I want to revisit.
Good morning, meeses! Thursday …
It is 45 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 64. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. This morning the moon was surrounded by a thin layer of clouds, not enough to obscure her – more like a gentle frame.
I hope everyone’s holiday and time off was happy and/or productive!
I had a good morning yesterday of getting caught up on year end accounting projects and have about another hour which I will do now rather than wait until the last minute.
See all y’all later!
Happy Boxing &/or St. Stephen’s Day. It’s 54 heading for 58 and still overcast. Yesterday we generated 1.46 KWHs and the m-t-d at 137.6 is not on track for 180 and at this rate we may not make 150.
Aside from all the Xmas wishes yesterday was a fairly ordinary day. The most “holiday” about it was that I had phone visits with both my sons & Diana plus my brother sent me a late evening/bedtime “Merry Christmas” via email. All in all a pleasant day. For me and folks like me who have safe shelter and plenty of food. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good Thursday morning, Meese! It’s ugly-cloudy in Ashburn today, currently 37 F., going up to 44 F. No precip. predicted.
Sister Dee, that is some Moose! Wow. I am off to the gym because my weight is getting out of control. Anyway, I feel better, thank Goddess. No big news. I’ll probably go to the UU happy hour at 4, since dinner will be a no-brainer.
It was fun talking to Bfitz last night. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
It was indeed. {{{Diana}}}
Good morning, 44 and raining in Bellingham today. We enjoyed our Christmas, but the aftermath is still waiting for me to sort out. After everyone left yesterday I was to tired to do anything so I just didn’t. I’m listening to music now and playing solitaire and it’s nice to feel more relaxed about doing what I need to do. Best wishes to all.
Good morning, meeses! Friday that feels like a Monday …
It is 45 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 64. Sunny skies are in the forecast. Yesterday it was cold and gloomy and damp feeling even though there was no rain in the forecast. We could actually use some rain and the winter rain cycle should start in mid-January. Last year our January and February rain was abundant and filled our reservoirs and kept us from being nervous through our very long hot summer. The moon was not up yet when I checked the eastern skies at 4am, I will check again in a while. She will be at about 11% illumination.
I plan to ignore the news today. I accidentally saw a headline “What if Trump does all the things he said he would and no one cares?” I really don’t want to read that or even think about what it would mean if there were no checks on Project 2025 because Republican electeds are just fine with an authoritarian dictator ending our 249 year experiment in democracy as long as they get tax cuts for themselves and their donors. Goddess help those whose lives and livelihoods will be destroyed.
I am going to finish organizing my to-do list for the weekend and then will pivot to wrapping up 2024 personal and business accounting so that nothing urgent is left for next week when things get hectic. I have noticed that my online banking sites are sluggish on Mondays and next week, with the impending calendar change, will probably be a lot worse.
See all y’all later!
Happy Mon/Friday. We’re back open, so here I am. I filled my thermos all the way up with tea, and added a caffeine tablet. I hope people think we’re closed. I have work to do on the last-second new person set up from Monday. (why do people do these things at 4:30 pm right before a holiday?) Anyway, I did my walk/run, it’s cold this morning but supposed to be a high of 78 this afternoon. Hope people have a good day.
Friday Meese. Really cold when I got up this morning – 3 degrees which has now gone up to 12. Not going outside!
Not much news in English re Puerto Rico – did see this tribute to the Black Puerto Rican woman who was in the Black women’s WWII battalion
It’s 51 heading for 58, damp and overcast. Yesterday we generated 2.47 KWHs and the m-t-d is at 140. Technically it’s possible to reach 180 by end of month – but it would mean all 5 days left would have to be very sunny. That obviously isn’t going to happen. But the “at least better than last year” goal is 143 and we should beat that handsomely. Although probably not today.
Half my holiday light string went out yesterday. Or rather didn’t come on yesterday although they shone quite nicely through Christmas day/evening. A sign or something? Odds are good that just one LED bulb burned out but since I don’t have any replacement bulbs I can’t test that hypothesis. I can read all kinds of esoteric meanings into that. But I’ll stick with the “good” one – that half the string still does light and it’s the half wrapped in and around the decorations hanging in my window.
These dark mornings make it very hard for me to get up. Even worse than cold mornings when I don’t want to leave warm covers. If I’m going to have a rough night, which I did, what sleep I get will be towards morning – and I’ll wake when the ambient light says “daytime” to my subconscious mind. Oh well. I’d best be about my boosting day. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
I didn’t think that LED bulbs going out would wipe out the entire string. If you remove the burnt out bulb, it will. I had a 50 light string that we had on our tiny tree that we had used all the spares for and this year we had 2 more bulbs out so I went to the store to try to find spares. They are so inexpensive that no one stocks them! I ended up getting a new string which was also extremely inexpensive.
There might be some good post-Christmas sales right now on ornaments.
All I know is half my lights work and half don’t. I let my son know. His wife is always on the lookout for sales and she’ll get me new lights before next year’s decoration party. I hate waste but there’s not much choice these days. We do live in an evil society. sigh.
Good Friday morning, Moosekind! It was ugly-cloudy this morning when we woke up, but we’re having some sunlight and dim blue skies now. Just finished having coffee with a friend from the writers’ group. We enjoyed an hour-long chat. She’s evinced some interest in moving to Annapolis, MD, which is a delightful place, but…yikes, I’d miss her!
Hoping to go to the gym today. Have a couple of questions:
Und vhere ist mine new printair?
Vhere ist mine Social Security 1099? Do I really have to go online and HUNT for the thing?
A bright note: Received M’Daughter’s Christmas card (lots of photos), her Christmas present, which made me laugh hysterically as I turned the pages, and a terrific Christmas newsletter, interesting, amusing, and well-written. It makes me feel good to know she’s inherited my way with words, and that she’ll be the cone to carry on the family newsletter tradition after I have departed this life.
Other good news: My friend, who is 91 today, has received the flowers I sent. She’s delighted with them. Actually, when they were delivered, she was eating the chocolates I’d given her for Christmas while reading the newspaper. LOL!
That’s all my news for today, it’s time to prepare lunch for Dearly Beloved. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
Social Security 1099’s are received by the end of January. They were still paying people for 2024 benefits just a few days ago (last Wednesday of the month but Tuesday this past week)! Mine is always in the mail.
Good morning, meeses! Saturday which feels like a Saturday …
It is 41 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 68. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast. Tomorrow we will go back up into the 70s. I was able to see my waning crescent yesterday and she had a pretty moonshadow. When she was still visible in the bright blue sky, she looked like an artist had drawn her with a white ink pen.
A weekend of work is laid out in front of me including some deferred work on the old Motley Moose web site. I need to shut down the last bits which includes email accounts used for social media. The Motley Moose Facebook links were shut down last year but there is still a presence. I am going to see if anyone up there wants to turn it into a Facebook group, public or private, and I will turn the member list over to them. It would be a shame for them to lose the connections but I don’t want to maintain it any longer.
See all y’all later!
Saturday Meese. It has warmed up to 32 here in Kingston – snow predicted.
Puerto Rico
Good morning. Getting ready for my double workout Saturday. Got most of my cooking for next week done, so I can just relax this afternoon. It is too warm for December — 68 heading for near 80.
Good Saturday morning, Meese! When we awoke (far too early) this morning it was raining in a most satisfactory manner. The rain continued until 8:30 a.m. or so, and will resume at noon. In fact, the whole weekend will consist of off- and on- rain, thanks be to Yemaya. We need it. Currently it’s 46 F. under gray skies, going up to 50 F.
The printer is HERE. Now we are wondering whereinell to put it! It’s much bigger than the Lexmark, which fits comfortably on the peculiar desk I have. Wherever the new one goes, it won’t be convenient, but that’s OK. I don’t print that much.
Didn’t get to the gym yesterday but DID finish the newsletter. It seems that one either keeps one’s figure or fulfills one’s literary obligations. There’s no time for both. Now I have to wrestle the pictures into the newsletter, and that’s always a HUGE, hairy hassle. After it looks OK, I will .pdf the whole thing.
I have to make a grocery store run. Sigh. I seem to spend a large part of my life doing that.
My Uncle Albert, aged 93, who died earlier this month, was the last surviving sibling of 10. He considered himself a very Christian man, even having someone over for Bible study every Thursday night. The entire family are always screeching about how Jesus is their ROCK and all the rest of it. Yet, his daughter (my cousin) said that her “Daddy” was glad he lived long enough to vote for Thing and to know that Thing “won.” HOW CAN SOMEONE CALL HIMSELF A CHRISTIAN when he voted for a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, and pervert?
There was an article in the WaPo yesterday morning about how poor people in Delaware really believe that Thing will bring down prices and look after the poor and working class. WHAT? I swear that at least half this country is STUPID. And racist and misogynist as well.
If I think about it too much, I’ll become depressed. Better to grab my Kindle, my water bottle, and my towel and go to the gym. If I don’t anything else today, at least I’ll have done that.
Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!
It’s 50 heading for 59, mostly sunny at the moment but clouds are moving in & the widget says rain in another hour or so. Yesterday it unexpectedly cleared off for several hours in the afternoon and we generated 3.8 KWHs. That brought the m-t-d to 144 so we’re beat our lowest “at least” goal. Next goal is 150 (to get ahead of 2016’s 129) and that even looks doable. (Today it stayed sunny which it’s not going to do.)
I’m weary of this world. Getting more so by the year. But I’m still here and there’s still work to be done. So I’d best get to it. Holding the Good/Healing/Protecting Thought for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}
Good morning, 44 and raining in Bellingham today. The sink drain failed on Christmas
Eve so I cleaned up the water, wrapped the pipes with towels, and got a bucket in place to catch the rest of the flow…..not a great way to end a busy day but oh well. The sink is old and the pipes are complicated but our son was able to find what he needed to make the new parts fit the old so he fixed it yesterday. And now the Christmas dishes are clean and put away, progress! Best wishes to all.